Impact Report 2023 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Eywa hard fun srls benefit company was born in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A culmination of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations
Today, the desire to contribute to a positive and sustainable growth of the world, leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an adequate tool that maintains unchanged the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new objectives with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for drafting the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific purposes of common benefit as its object:
- develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relations, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relations that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world.
In Italy, the focus will be on partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects.
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2023:
- development of the natural cosmetics line in Burkina Faso
- Growth in the volume of shea butter imported by social cooperatives in Burkina Faso
- development of the foreign e-commerce market
- Sign partnership project with UN office in Burkina Faso
Actions implemented 2023:
- Thanks to constant work in verifying sales results in Burkina Faso and dialogue with end consumers, we have identified a questionnaire that has allowed us to analyze the needs of the market to give concrete answers to the needs.
- Developed the network and loyalty of Shea Butter suppliers in Burkina Faso, in particular by verifying the quality of the work process and the conditions of the workers directly in the field
I have released an ad hoc company profile that presents Eywa's qualities in the development of PL projects related to sustainability and clean beauty.
We responded competently and promptly to all requests from the UN office in Ouagadougou
Results achieved 2023:
- a) We have identified the formulations and fragrances of the new Burkinabeautè products, linked to the African market, which will be distributed in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Ivory Coast
- b) We have closed a contract with a new verified supplier that has allowed us to market 80T of shea butter, bringing a significant turnover to Burkina Faso, with a positive impact on the territory
- c) We have created 6 product lines in PL by sharing the sustainable development practice and the values of the Benefit Company with the acquired customers
- d) At the end of a long discussion made of meetings and exchanges of documents, the Eywa project linked to the UN in Burkina Faso has stopped. The competent office has evaluated to entrust the development in the area of our interest to an NGO with proven experience. We are waiting to have a clearance on the possible partnership that must be validated directly by the UN offices in NY.

Indicators 2024:
- a) Creation of new references for the African market, with social communication
- b) Growth in the volume of shea butter and other raw materials imported by social cooperatives in Burkina Faso
- c) distribution of the Eywa brand in Italy
- d) research on compostable biopolymers in the creation of new Pura Cura products
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srl Benefit Company
Via Ferrandina 18/A – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – VAT no. 09629960965
mail: – phone: +39 02 8239 6816
Impact Report 2022 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was born in September 2016. The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey. A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations. Today, the desire to contribute to a positive and sustainable growth of the world, leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an adequate tool that maintains unchanged the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for drafting the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific purposes of common benefit as its object:
- develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relations, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relations that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world.
In Italy, the focus will be on partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects.
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2022:
- development of the natural cosmetics line in Burkina Faso
- implementation and commerce in Burkina Faso
- industrial plan development
- PL and raw materials with social impact
- research in compostable biopolymer packaging
- growth of portal
Actions implemented 2022:
- Through a lot of sharing work with the group of women in Burkina Faso we have developed 4 references of solid soap produced in the Dinderesso soap factory.
The portal has been implemented with the possibility of purchasing products made in Italy
- We have implemented the network of suppliers, creating real house organs that are able to activate themselves based on the project and the customer
I have prepared an ad hoc company profile that presents Eywa's qualities in the development of PL projects related to sustainability and clean beauty. We have presented to several potential clients the project on raw materials in the cosmetics field that allows us to work directly with women's cooperatives in Burkina Faso.
We started testing different biopolymers to define the prototype for the jar cap in the cosmetics world.
Through a communication company we started the penetration project of thebeautyflow portal
Results achieved 2022:
- a) the Burkinabeautè brand is present in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Ivory Coast
- b) The portal and the social media part of burkinabeaute grows and raises awareness on natural and sustainable products
- c) We have a direct supplier who guarantees us the packaging for both our lines and those in PL
- d) we have acquired about ten clients in PL with whom we can share the creation of sustainable clean beauty products. We have signed a contract that allows us to import a container of Shea butter, working directly with social cooperatives in Burkina Faso.
- e) The development of the cap for the jars requires an investment that we have managed to define through a bp.
- f) We have reached 11 partners who participate in the portal with their products and we have started a high-level editorial plan on social media.

Indicators 2023:
- a) development of the natural cosmetics line in Burkina Faso
- b) Growth in the volume of shea butter imported by social cooperatives in Burkina Faso
- c) development of the foreign e-commerce market
- d) Sign a partnership project with the UN office in Burkina Faso
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srl Benefit Company
Via Ferrandina 18/A – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – VAT no. 09629960965
mail: – phone: +39 02 8239 6816
Impact Report 2021 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was born in September 2016. The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey. A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations. Today, the desire to contribute to a positive and sustainable growth of the world, leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an adequate tool that maintains unchanged the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for drafting the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific purposes of common benefit as its object:
- develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relations, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relations that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world.
In Italy, the focus will be on partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects.
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2021:
- team growth
- increase in sales both online and offline
- equity crowdfunding
- Business development in Burkina Faso
- Approval of tender for technologies from the Puglia region
Actions implemented 2021:
- We have done an important research with the help of a selector in the commercial sector - management support - soaicl media manager
- We have developed an Editorial Plan strategy for online reputation focusing on the values of the benefit company, on our research in the field of compostable biopolymers. Online sales were characterized by the proposal of the Solid Beauty line that sees the group of women in Burkina Faso personally involved.
- We have had contacts with several equity crowdfunding platforms to which we have presented the development project
- We presented the development project in Burkina Faso to various entrepreneurial entities in Italy in order to build a strong project
Conception and creation of the e-commerce site The Beauty Flow thanks to the Tecnonidi call of the Puglia region, we have selected Italian companies of plant eco-comsesi that have values in common with the founding principles of Eywa.
Results achieved 2021:
- a) Insertion of a sales director, a communications director and an Account J
- b) We have significantly increased our online customer database. We have built partnerships with Coin, QVC and Douglas perfumeries
- c) We presented our equity campaign on the platform, eywa was valued at 1,700,000 euros by analysts with a collection of up to 300,000 euros
- d) in July 2021 we founded EAS sarl in Burkina Faso in partnership with Alce sas and Adama Sogore. A company that has a statute very similar to that of Benefit Companies, with the aim of developing work, raising awareness of a fair business model and protecting territories.
- a) We created the portal and selected 10 Italian micro enterprises in the reference e-commerce.

Indicators 2022:
- development of the natural cosmetics line in Burkina Faso
- implementation and commerce in Burkina Faso
- industrial plan development
- PL and raw materials with social impact
- research in compostable biopolymer packaging
- growth of portal
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srl Benefit Company
Via Ferrandina 18/A – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – VAT no. 09629960965
mail: – phone: +39 02 8239 6816
Impact Report 2020 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Download PDF: Impact Report 2020
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was born in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations.
Today, the desire to contribute to a positive and sustainable growth of the world, leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an adequate tool that maintains unchanged the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for the drafting of the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific purposes of common benefit as its object:
– develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relationships, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relationships that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world. In Italy, sensitivity will be directed to partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects.
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2020:
A) Identify an investment fund sensitive to impact investment issues.
B) develop a second line with Italian social impact, zero plastic.
C) build the work team with attention to diversity, favoring young people.
D) select possible distributors for abroad.
Actions implemented 2020:
a. In March 2020, we identified the investment fund with which to start a dialogue aimed at business development.
b. In July 2020, despite the Covid 19 pandemic, we created the Blue Sardinia line, a no-plastic line with a social impact in Italy, particularly in Sardinia.
c. We have found the right workshop for the production of our compostable biopolymer capsules, suitable for both the Purs Cura and Blue Sardinia lines.
d. We created the Solid Beauty line together with the Dinderessò soap factory in Burkina Faso, with an order of 1,000 soaps on 4 references. A true zero waste mine with
direct social impact in Burkina Faso.
e. We have selected the work team consisting of: sales manager. Customercare, design manager, social media manager, web administrator.
Results achieved 2020:
a) We produced 1,000 pieces on 4 references of the Blue Sardinia line, of which 250 for the specific distributor in Sardinia. We redefined the brand identity and improved the logo.
b) We produced 5,000 compostable biopolymer capsules using our own molds.
c) We have acquired 30 offline and online sales points.
d) Despite the difficulties we have continued to support the oil mills by guaranteeing the purchase of oils and in particular by increasing the quantity of date oil, also importing Ecocert shea butter, baobab oil and coconut oil.

Indicators 2021:
a) team growth.
b) increase in sales both online and offline.
c) equity crowdfunding.
d) business development in Burkina Faso.
e) approval of the tender for technologies from the Puglia region.
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srl Benefit Company
Via Ferrandina 18/A – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – VAT no. 09629960965
mail: – phone: +39 02 8239 6816
Impact Report 2019 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Download PDF: Impact Report 2019
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was born in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with
Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations.
Today, the desire to contribute to a positive and sustainable growth of the world, leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an adequate tool that maintains unchanged the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for the drafting of the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific purposes of common benefit as its object:
– develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relationships, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relationships that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world. In Italy, sensitivity will be directed to partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
2019 Indicators:
A) identify a distributor consistent with the company values.
B) modification of the statute to an innovative start-up.
C) build a Diversity Management path in Italy and raise consumer awareness on the use of alternative materials to traditional plastic.
D) Ecocert certifications in Burkina Faso on date oil and baobab oil.
Actions implemented 2019:
a. In April 2019 we identified the distributor for the organic perfumery sector, thus we defined the Pura Cura line for the daily facial routine.
b. We have redefined the corporate structure (the partners), today Eywa has a pro-active and determined group.
c. We worked on the quality of the formulation, on the sustainability of the packaging (compostable biopolymer for the capsule that completes the aluminum tubes) and on the
social impact.
d. The geopolitical situation in Burkina Faso has blocked the Ecocert office inspectors for the necessary inspections regarding any certifications. It has been our concern to continue to weave a constant relationship with the women's groups in Burkina Faso for the extraction of baobab, date and moringa oil, we have strengthened the relations with Morocco and Kenya.
Results achieved 2019:
a) We produced 1,000 pcs of 5 references, of which 500 for the distributor.
We redefined the brand identity and improved the logo.
b) We transformed the company from srls to srl with a capital increase. And we became an innovative start up.
c) The creation of the Pura Cura line has allowed us to make the products tangible proof of our philosophy. The end customer choosing Eywa, demonstrates in fact his sensitivity towards environmental protection issues.
d) Despite the difficulties, we continued to support the oil mills by guaranteeing the purchase of oils and in particular by increasing the quantity of date oil, after having defined, with the group of women, the quality of the extraction.

Indicators 2020:
A) Identify an investment fund sensitive to impact investment issues.
B) develop a second line with Italian social impact, zero plastic.
C) build the work team with attention to diversity, favoring young people.
D) select possible distributors for abroad.
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srl Benefit Company
Via Ferrandina 18/A – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
VAT no. 09629960965
mail: – phone: +39 02 8239 6816
Impact Report 2018 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Download PDF: Impact Report 2018
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was founded in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with
Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations
Today, the desire to contribute to positive and sustainable growth in the world leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an appropriate tool that maintains the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start-up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for the drafting of the report to be attached to the budget.
The company has the following specific objectives of common benefit as its object:
– develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relationships, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relationships that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world. In Italy, sensitivity will be directed to partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on promoting culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2018:
A) Development of the Alveare network as a social impact on the Italian territory
B) modification of the statute in an innovative start-up and search for an investor
C) development of a commercial network consistent with the company values
D) putting the website online with the storytelling part linked to suppliers/partners
E) ecocert certifications in Burkina Faso on date oil and baobab oil
Actions implemented 2018 :
a. We have developed the network of Hives by bringing our products to the following regions:
b. Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Veneto.
Each meeting and presentation was an opportunity to talk about a sustainable development model.
c. We were unable to change the statute to enter the register of Innovative Start Ups. We have begun to build an important relationship with a potential investor
d. We were the architects of a discussion and planning table with Tubettificio Favia and the printer Aba srl regarding the design and production of a compostable biopolymer capsule
e. The geopolitical situation in Burkina Faso has blocked the inspectors of the Ecocert office for the necessary inspections regarding any certifications. It has been our concern to continue to weave a constant relationship with women's groups in Burkina Faso for the extraction of baobab, date and moringa oil, we have strengthened the relationships with Morocco and Kenya.
Results achieved 2018:
A) We have reached 10 hives on the Italian territory, 10% of our turnover comes from this network on the territory
We have verified, analyzed, imported, cleared 120kg of oils between Burkina Faso and Morocco for our dermocosmetics production, with a positive final feedback from both the customer and sales.
B) We have created important collaborations (temporary shop) with Amnesty International and the San Paolo hospital in Venice. A beautiful collaboration was also born with the artist Guido Daniele who gave the free use of three images of Mani Animali with which we characterized a splendid Christmas gift promoting the protection of the oceans.
C) We closed the 2018 budget in substantial balance

Indicators 2019:
A) identify a distributor consistent with the company values
B) change the statute to an innovative start-up
C) build a Diversity Management path in Italy and raise consumer awareness on the use of alternative materials to traditional plastic
D) ecocert certifications in Burkina Faso on date oil and baobab oil
Impact Report Manager
Eywa hard fun
Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srls Benefit Society
– viale Monte Ceneri 34, 20155 Milano
– P.I.V.A. n. 09629960965
– Email:
– Phone: +393405329116
Impact Report 2017 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Download PDF: Impact Report 2017
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was founded in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations
Today, the desire to contribute to positive and sustainable growth in the world leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an appropriate tool that maintains the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start-up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We have decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for drafting the report to be attached to the financial statement.
The company has the following specific objectives of common benefit:
– develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relationships, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relationships that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world.
In Italy, sensitivity will be directed to partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects
– design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with attention to the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
2017 indicators:
A) Submission of the application for ECOCERT certification for oils from Burkina Faso, submission of our BIA Assessment to B lab for the request for registration as a “Pending B corp”
B) Written agreements with producers and production partners already involved in the production cycle
C) Reach 300kg of imports from Burkina, 50kg from Morocco, 50kg from Kenya
D) Identify companies in Italy that can offer us additional raw materials with traceable routes and projects related to social inclusion and environmental protection.
E) Identify other partners who are benefit companies, B Corporations, or have strong and certified affinities with the benefit company paradigm so that the entire production cycle of the products is as close as possible to our strategy and to achieving a sufficient score for BIA Assessment (80 points)
Actions implemented 2017:
A) We managed to present the project to Permicro ( and obtain a business microfinancing that allowed us to develop the prototype of the line. We defined the formulations with the Ahura laboratory and made agreements with partners to arrive at sustainable packaging ( – We decided to wait to request the B Corp certification, which is useless until the company turnover reaches break even.
B) We defined the quality standards necessary for the oils with the partner in Burkina Faso. We completed the organic certifications and managed the logistics with related customs clearance
C) We did a training as a company on the web marketing part, starting from the definition and positioning of the brand, which allowed us to arrive at a definition of the company profile consistent with our brand.
Results achieved 2017:
A) we obtained a micro business loan based on the quality of the project, we defined a BP with a serious and careful analysis of the real production costs
We verified, analyzed, imported, cleared 100kg of oils between Burkina Faso and Morocco for our dermocosmetics production, with a positive final feedback from both the customer and sales.
B) We found 1 company (Italy) that, due to its history, operating method and certification, gives us guarantees on the traceability and sustainability of their projects. The formulation of the face cream involves them
C) We set up the commercial project

2018 Indicators:
A) Development of the Alveare network as a social impact on the Italian territory
B) modification of the statute in an innovative start-up and search for an investor
C) development of a commercial network consistent with the company values
D) putting the website online with the storytelling part linked to suppliers/partners
E) ecocert certifications in Burkina Faso on date oil and baobab oil
Impact Manager
Eywa Hard Fun s.r.l.s. Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srls Società Benefit
– viale Monte Ceneri 34, 20155 Milano
– P.I.V.A. n. 09629960965
– Email:
– Phone: +39 340 5329116
Impact Report 2016 – Eywa Hard Fun Benefit Company
Download PDF: Impact Report 2016
Eywa hard fun srls società benefit was founded in September 2016.
The company is a point of arrival and departure of a twenty-year journey.
A point of arrival of twenty years of collaboration with developing countries, in particular with Burkina Faso through business and social inclusion projects promoted by non-profit organizations.
Today, the desire to contribute to positive and sustainable growth in the world leads us to embrace the paradigm of benefit companies, as a viable path, as an appropriate tool that maintains the values that have moved us for twenty years and also allows us to achieve new goals with greater determination and clarity in an organic, transparent and measurable way.
We are a start-up, we are in a construction phase, the benefit company in its values and in its rigorous way of presenting itself is today for us the primary tool with which to work, define strategies and make choices.
We have decided to use the BIA (B Impact Assessment) tool for the impact assessments of the four areas of interest required for drafting the report to be attached to the financial statement.
The company has the following specific objectives of common benefit:
– develop traceable, transparent and coherent commercial relations, in a vision of sustainable growth of the planet, with developing countries, relations that are opportunities for work, training and social growth in the territories, in local communities and for partners in the North of the world.
– In Italy, sensitivity will be directed towards partnerships where attention to the values of globality and well-being understood as personal and social growth are prerogatives for weaving business projects.
– to design and develop creative communication and marketing projects at the service of sustainable development with a focus on the promotion of culture and multiculturalism.
Indicators 2016:
A) consolidate existing relationships with partners in Burkina Faso.
B) establish new relationships for the search for raw materials.
C) research and evaluate realities in Italy that share the paradigm of benefit companies.
Actions implemented 2016:
Actions implemented 2016 A) Through a series of trips we met local producers, we started with them a path of awareness and training towards the production standards required by the world of cosmetics, we traced the foundations for a standardization of the collection, extraction and storage system of processed seeds.
B) We started to do research starting from the network built over the years, presenting our project and verifying the basic requirements of the subjects met to understand if there were the foundations for an agreement and implementation of raw materials.
C) We started a research in Italy to find partners who make the entire production cycle feasible, selecting companies that share and apply the paradigm of benefit companies.
Results achieved 2016:
A) We have verified the entire production cycle of oils in Burkina Faso, spoken to the communities and discussed with the ECOCERT office in Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso) to verify the improvements needed to accompany the companies to achieve certification.
We have verified, analyzed, imported, cleared 100kg of oils for our dermocosmetics production, with positive final feedback from both the customer and sales.
B) We have found 2 companies (Morocco and Kenya) that, due to their history, operating methods and certification, give us guarantees on the traceability and sustainability of their projects. So we imagine adding their semi-finished products to the offer for the production of our dermocosmetics products.
C) We have found 1 partner benefit company that fully meets our needs for research, processing and packaging of the product

2017 indicators:
A) Submission of the application for ECOCERT certification for oils from Burkina Faso,
submission of our BIA Assessment to B lab for the request for registration as a “Pending B corp”
B) Written agreements with producers and production partners already involved in the production cycle
C) Reach 300kg of imports from Burkina, 50kg from Morocco, 50kg from Kenya
D) Identify companies in Italy that can offer us additional raw materials with traceable routes and projects related to social inclusion and environmental protection.
E) Identify other partners who are benefit companies, B Corporations, or have strong and certified affinities with the benefit company paradigm so that the entire production cycle of the products is as close as possible to our strategy and to achieving a sufficient score for BIA Assessment (80 points)
Impact Manager
Eywa Hard Fun s.r.l.s. Luca Angelo Carlo Malaspina
Eywa Hard Fun srls Benefit Society
– viale Monte Ceneri 34, 20155 Milano
– P.I.V.A. n. 09629960965
– Email:
– Phone: +39 340 5329116